Over the next few weeks I am going to be researching and writing about those that are left behind in the community due to them suffering from mental health issues and getting no help
I am horrified to see that despite publicity on various levels there are still many people that suffer mental health issues including Depression, Schizophrenia, Anxiety, Paranoia and more yet they are dumped into the community with little or no support.
Many find themselves wrapped up in crime and victims of abuse, they are ending up in Police and Prison cells with no help for their conditions. They are often scared to travel, to be alone or even to go to public places such as the job centre to get the benefits they are entitled to and often desperately need.
My research is introducing me to people that have suffered for years and despite begging for help get nowhere. This really does rattle my cage so if you want to help me to gather information to expose this cruel treatment of so many, especially in The UK please do send me an email andrewashman67@protonmail.com
All information will be treated in the strictest confidence and NO NAMES will be mentioned in my writings